Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Future Letter to my Students

Dear Students:

This message is addressed to you- the most important part of the music program. It represents my commitment to you. I want to make the promise that when you enter my classroom, this is what you can expect from me:

You will be met with clear objectives for the day. At the beginning of each class, I will always tell you what we will be doing and what I hope you will be able to do after mastering it.

I will treat everyone fairly, but no one the same. If you are unable to participate in an activity due to a disability, injury, religious reasons, or you have not brought your instrument, I will provide an alternative to make sure that you will not be cheated out of a quality learning experience.

I will come prepared for class each day with a detailed map of what our class is going to accomplish and how, thorough enough that if for any reason I will not be able to see you in class, the substitute will be able to provide you leadership in the planned activity just like I would. I shall expect you to come prepared as well, with your instrument and all your music ready to play.

I will teach you according to the national standards provided by the Music Educator's National Conference and will state in the Daily Objective what skill you will gain from the day's rehearsal of the chosen music.

As part of this band you are serving as ambassadors as the model students of Cityville High School. You must make a commitment to me and your peers that you will put effort in to being the best musician and citizen you possibly can, and impress love of music into every rehearsal and performance you present.

Mrs. H.

1 comment:

  1. Notes: Characteristics of a quality lesson plan:
    1. It has a clearly stated objective (not "students will understand" or "students will know")

    2. It has an alternative in case the planned activity doesn't work (it takes much longer than planned, child doesn't want to sing a Christian song because he/she is Jewish, equipment malfunctions, the music is too hard for them, etc.)

    3. There is a detailed time and activity schedule so that if a substitute teacher comes in, they will have complete instructions and hopefully the schedule will continue without a hiccup.

    4. The activities planned will be consistent with the national standards to subject content.

